Counting the people still ahead of me...
Tempting, with the scorching heat, but I wasn't too sure if it was safe and clean...
One of the many street vendors selling "Kesong Puti" (White Cheese). I love kesong puti, but I had to resist buying from them because I knew kesong puti was supposed to be kept cold and refrigerated. These vendors were selling them in plastic bags under the heat of the sun. I bought one at the Orient store. It goes very well with Pan de sal. :-)
Getting nearer... I can already see these boxes of buko pie :-)
Waiting for my turn at the counter to order those famous buko pies!
Read: The line ends way over there... it's actually by the road won't miss it, there's still so many people there also waiting for their turn....hehehe... ;-)
Their prices
Finally! My turn!!!
This hot mocha frap goes well with The Original Buko Pie! :)
This is it!!!
Creamy filling
I bought 3 boxes of The Original Buko Pie at P150/box, 1 Fresh Cow's Milk at P70, 1 Kesong Puti/White Cheese at P70, and 2 Espasols at P16 each. My total bill: P622! Not bad! ;-)